
Archive for the ‘viral marketing’ Category

Twitter is the new press release and Twiist Up is the Woodstock for techies without munchies involved

In marketing, social media, technology, twitter, viral marketing on February 13, 2009 at 4:43 pm

This week was tech mania. Woodstock watch out because LA was transformed. Tech Paintball, Tech Zulu anniversary, Twiist Up 5 and Twestival. Nuts!  Gave me plenty of excuses to get out of the house and shmooze with my newfound besties.  I ran into Richard from PR Newswire and made the comment that Twitter is the new press release. It is. Consumers, you and me, want to purchase based on our friends’ feedback rather than what we read in an “official” review.  And twitter is just that. We follow those we want to hear from, both friends  and associates. We trust their opinions. It’s cool. And now the business and friend world has merged with such fluidity that instead of once saying “MySpace me” it’s now “Follow Me”. The transformations in today’s PR world are fantastic. Filled with more truth and opportunity for discovery.

Twiist Up 5

StumbleUpon vs Technorati vs Digg vs Delicious

In social media, Uncategorized, viral marketing on January 2, 2009 at 5:11 am

All sites to mark what you like and why you like it. I just don’t know. So far for me Delicious is out. Not into it. I feel like I should read technorati more and StumbleUpon is easier to make your mark with the firefox add on and Digg captcha slows me down too much. What do you guys think?

Cool… Just discovered Twitter Grand Central

In social media, twitter, viral marketing on December 31, 2008 at 4:52 am

Check out Its pretty cool if your a Tweeter Head like me. I think I’ll make Twitter its own category on here.  These twitter posts are getting to be a bit frequent. Gotta get my fix.

Okay kiddies… here is the Golden Ticket of Business Resources

In budgeting, business models, education, leadership, management, marketing, social media, technology, the secret, viral marketing on December 31, 2008 at 4:45 am


Subscribe to The Billionaire Girl

 Subscribe in a reader

Brought to you by your very own Willy Wonka. Here is a comprehensive resource list from great affordable personal assistants to how to get your new web business off the ground (and not some dumb BS sales pitch, but what I have actually touched smelled and made love too JK) Yea, I’m kinda a business junkie.  Anyway, here it is.

Ive got the golden ticket...

"I've got the golden ticket..."

I made it a “page” so it is always right there if you need it. I will finsh it later in the week. I’m exhausted right now.

Coked up on twitter – Top Twitter Tools to check out in 2009

In social media, viral marketing on December 31, 2008 at 2:48 am

So Guy Kawasaki posted on Twitter tonight this link to the Top Twitter Tools Great list.  Personally I love micro blogging – it fun fast easy and candid.  Anyone who knows me can tell you that being upfront is of of my best attributes.  So yea I am a twitter freak.  My favorite is Tweet Later but please tell everyone to stop creating auto messages thanking to follow them.  It annoying and boring.  Very solicity. Why not try being useful.  Posting a helpful resource relevant to their expertise or something. Just enough with the automated thank yous.

Twitter Tools

Twitter Tools

Be an influencer – That’s where the power is

In leadership, marketing, viral marketing on December 27, 2008 at 9:21 pm

So just got my nails done. I know I know – don’t judge me. I deserve a break. I even worked on Christmas 🙂 But the nail technician was sharing how the “VIP”s get “special treatment. And I thought to myself, what makes a person VIP. Of course there are actors and musicians. But why do they really have the power. It’s not simply because of their wealth, (although that does help). It’s because they have the power to influence. That’s why they are chosen to represent causes and political parties. Check out how to be an influencer > you don’t need to be famous.

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

Tetter Tweet to Twitter Tonight

In viral marketing on December 3, 2008 at 9:04 pm

What’s up with the twitter crazy. It’s pop culture.  Anyway if you are a Tweeter here is a little something for ya.  Think of it as the Google Trend tool but only for Twitter –

Viral marketing with results – who would have thought?

In marketing, viral marketing on November 5, 2008 at 10:28 pm

Effective viral video marketing

This should be a “how to” video rather than a gamers wet dream.  So mainly people waste time away without thinking about their market, without setting goals and g-d forbid achieving a result. The guys at Mana Energy Potion have mastered the art of effective viral video marketing.

Mana Energy Potion

Mana Energy Potion